Confidence is built on accomplishment. Hi there B! protecting you from harmful entities. It also facilitates a deeper connection with the earths energies, therefore excellent for vivid dream recall. Thats going to determine if any possibly clash. You could wear aquamarine and garnet at the same time on two different pieces, but as always, intention. Citrine Crystal Combinations. Yes you can use your crystals to open the channel for more wealth for the family. Really wondering !!!!!!!! 2, In my TV desk (is in front of my desk and where all my crystals are right now) Welcome to Neat Crystal! Is there something about your combination that youre concerned about? What do you want to achieve with those stones? Experiment and see what happens. Hi there, firstly good luck with your exam and should things not work out, remember that something better is on its way. I recently was advised to wear pyrite. Its no surprise that Sunstone would keep you awake. Rockhounding Around The WorldScience QuestionsLearn About Different Kinds of Rocks, About UsPrivacy PolicyTerms Of UseArchives, Rockhounding Salem Oregon: 3 Easy Places To Find Cool Rocks, Carnelian vs Agate: Whats The Difference? 1 Citrine Hi Kameo, At the moment i have clear quartz and Lapiz Lazui. January. I thought if combining pyrite, citrine, tigers eye, green Aventurine, rise quartz and green jade. is indeed translucent and authentic looking when held to the light. You mentioned an example of Carnelian and Blue Lace Agate canceling each other out when worn together. -Dinu, I recommend to wear it on whatever hand you want and feel comfortable with. Yes, I do wear them with intention and it appears that they do have some similar properties in some aspects (even if they represent different elements), so I hope it is a good combination. I will follow what you have told me. Wearable; these beads need re-stringing to be a part of a modern beautiful necklace. Is garnet and amethyst goes well. Sounds like a silly question I know. Carnelian is more translucent and can attract more light or sparkle than red jasper. Making Waves. Can I wear standard tigers eye with Indagio Kyanite? Are they all okay to sit together in my selenite bowl all the time. Depression and anxiety relief lepidolite, amethyst, rose quartz, blue chalcedony. You can take a look at Rose Quartz to encourage love. Can I wear Black Tourmaline and rose quartz together with Tanzanite. It sounds like a good combination, but more importantly, what do you think of the combination, how does it feel to you? My intention is I want a peaceful Environment at home and in my mind to meditation. Red jasper is perfect for people looking for greater energy as well as activation and balance of the lower chakra to tap to the Kundalini energy. 6:00 PM. 1 Black Tourmaline. Celestite does have a calming vibration to it, but it can also be quite high vibrational when you use it for meditation. Oh! I wanted to clarify. What would be your suggested combinations? It isnt traditionally used to calm an overactive Throat Chakra but that doesnt mean that it cant be used for that. Also read: Can Carnelian Go In Water? Sorry for the many questions, hoping you could help me with this. Green calcite I have Just intention. Note:Crystals arenevera replacement for professional medical help. Her example is fantastic: Carnelian boosts energy whereas Blue Lace Agate calms energy down so they would cancel each other out because it sends a confused signal out into the Universe, i.e. Yes you can! The rhodochrosite is to build love and compassion internally and externally. Hi there Macky, Hi! A common question I receive is: Can I wear my INSERT CRYSTAL NAME HERE and INSERT OTHER CRYSTAL NAME HERE together? And the short answer is in this post: what are you trying to achieve with your rocks? Read here for more Moonstone, Malachite, Red * Blue tiger eye combination, Leopard Skin Jasper Light Green Adventurine, an a Blood stone with red coral, I also have a few bracelets. See also: How To Tell If Jasper Is Real (Tips). Please help me to understand further. I shall offer you some recommendations based on your request. Bracelets and rings made of these gems are worn on the left hand for best results. Visit the shop to purchase! By nurturing a solid sexual relationship, the stones also fortify the emotional bond between lovers. Many thanks and blessings to you and your followers . Yes, all crystals can work together but for your healing journey to ensure their energies dont clash for you personally, look at your intention!!! If you want a personal crystal reading, please check out my service for that here Any suggestions or guidance you could give would be wonderful. You can definitely use them all together but look at your intention/s and what do you want to achieve with them. No there is nothing you need to know about combining Shungite and Jade. Does this cause selenite to drain all its charge ? The name carnelian comes from the Latin name carnel which means flesh and also berry. Hi Alexis, I store my crystals in a bowl in my dresser and then take out what I want for that day depending on how I am feeling. Red jasper is the same. The pairs transformational vibrations will clear your aura, emotional, and physical body and allow for spiritual growth. As per post: Before you ask anyone if a combination is right for you, ponder upon this: what are you trying to achieve with your rocks. Are those small stones not as effetive as larger stones in healing chakra ? What an amazing experience Jamie had (even learning the hard way so to speak was enlightening). You can count on the pair when you feel demotivated because it instills passion, ambition, and the drive to excel in anything you do. Thank you! Hello! Thank you for clarification. Reading about what they all help do I feel its a good combination together for me personally . Hello! If you want them all to work together for one intention (goal), what does each of them bring to party of that intention? I lost all of mine in the bedroom is that a bad thing. Selenite spirituality, clearing, calming (read more here Thank you again Siobhan! Its difficult to say if its too much for you, so Ill rather ask you this as itll be a better gauge HOW do you FEEL after carrying that pouch? 2. tigers eye and carnelian ; for sacral chakra AND positive energy, wealth and prosperity, mental clarity (tigers eye) and creativity and self confidence (carnelian). Thank you for the useful information! You can put the stones in the husband area as per feng shui, but what I find is that crystals work for the highest good of who is working with them so if the stones arent for him, you may have no results because they cannot alter other peoples journey, only yours as the user. Hello, can I wear rose quartz and amethyst together? So I switched to the right. I kept the selenite in a box and left other crystal bracelets on it. Please answer me. Hello im wearing emeral and white coral.. can i wear other stones with this combination..please tell which stones will suit this combination. If you want to use your crystals for different intentions (each one their own intention/job) or use a combination of crystals for one intention, then read this post as to how you can do that: Crystal Combinations 2.0 and Our Intentions. Feeling uncomfortable, sluggish or tired. Yes you can, depending on your intentions. No, you need to decide that for yourself. Or the charging stones must be a larger one? I dont know a lot about this stone can you give me some insight on this. Rhodonite for love Its just for beauty. Some days if I want to focus on a particular chakra, I only wear those bracelets. I just obtained a really nice (assuming) blue jasper stone. I know its on fleek to nicely layer 6 crystal necklaces around your neck or carry that many around with you. Id say to go with a size that is most comfortable for you to wear. Its grounding abilities will get you through a stressful period and bring new beginnings. Thats the one you go with . Not many books speak about it being used for comfort during trials and many rather recommend black tourmaline for that. Heres some suggestions for family crystals, You already have the right idea with what you said here I feel like the energetic and creative combo should be in the studies desk, and the rest should be distributed between the bed side and the TV desk. and it seems like you just need someone to say that what you think is correct so here I am saying YES YES YES GO FOR IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Also does it matter wear the crystal is worn? Thank you. You dont have to recharge them or clear them if you dont want to. You mentioned the color spectrum for which stones affect which chakras. When I put them next to each other it is as wide as my palm. They are beautiful no matter where you use them, in the house, jewelry, or for your own sense of healing. The stone connects to the sacral, solar plexus, and root chakras. You also want to actively GROUND your energy on a regular basis by getting outdoors, meditating with a mandala or grounding crystal. Carnelian has a Mohs hardness rating of about seven out of ten which makes it suitable for rings or any other type of jewelry that comes in regular contact with everyday objects. Thankyou very much for your advice/time. I have always loved gems, rocks etc! It doesnt matter what you want to use them for. The red jasper will play its part by restoring passion and the courage to explore and express your sensuality without fear. So after this long arse story I was wondering if there is any tips or directions you can point me in to gaining some great knowledge into these crystals and learn the powers and combinations to maximise my wellbeing, and most off tell me what Im doing wrong and why Im getting these negative waves. Any crystal can be combined with another crystal but its important to look at what we are looking to achieve with each crystal we combine. Also for protection from negative energy and evil eye, psychic attacks- can I make a bracelet with black obsidian, black tourmaline Brown tigers eye and hematite. Hi Siobhan, is there a darker stone that does what lepidolite does? thank you for your time. When combined, these two crystals will give you confidence, a renewed passion, and a boost of energy. I hope you could help me. So I thought black tourmaline could help protect against this and zapping my energy. Id love to see! Join the grouphere! Hi Catherine. I have also been a worrier, but trying to bring peace into my life. Like Siobhan said Set your intentions Putting your Intentions first is key. Hi Sahar, You can definitely wear different crystals together so thats why its important to be clear on your intentions. Howlite and turquoise If you take out, you must pour back in. Hi, Im looking for crystals to help me guide me through life and crystals to bring me my dream life. It will also ground your energies in positivity and the passion for undertaking daunting tasks. Can I charge a crystal bracelet using a clear crystal Or hematite bracelet if same size? What crystals would you recommend for anxiety and confidence? Just make sure they have an intention if you are using it for your healing journey. 3.citrine, golden rutilated quartz, and sunstone for before, (Oct.21,2020) and also after. Just to go further, Im including some tips with the crystals you mentioned based on your intentions and messages: Or is it different when its make into a chakra bracelet vs having a separate Carnelian and a separate Blue Lace Agate bracelet? The similarities between carnelian vs red jasper lie in their properties. Hi,Is it good bracelet combination Emerald and Black Tourmaline? Hi, is it possible to wear black tourmaline for protection against negative energy with blue apatite for communication? Lot-o-Tumbler Vibratory Rock Tumblers Perfect for Hobbyists and Crafters! The gemstone advocates for wholeness and tranquility. Im new to the aura, chakra and wearing beads. I wanted to get quartz crystal, citrine, and amethyst because of the intentions I have I am not sure if these are the correct stones though (I want to be more in tune with my spiritual feelings and intuition/psychic feelings and strengthen that, as well as have protection against negativity and bad nightmares. When not in use, you can keep them in a room. I ordered a chakra bracelet that had the following stones. If its ok then pls tell in which metal and in which finger should i wear it? Lately, I have felt it may be that my Sunstone is causing me to wake at night and/or keeping me from being unable to sleep or rest. If youre looking for something different, have a look at the combinations below. The nine gems are amethyst crystal quartz moonstone, citrine, sodalite, carnelian, red jasper, red, as well as green aventurine. You may find with ALL of them out, youre going to get overwhelmed. This is the go-to pair to spice up your romantic life and increase fertility. They will facilitate discernment and understanding of the spiritual version of yourself. I just dont know where to start or when ones to get. Learn more about the differences between carnelian vs red jasper with this guide. 2.citrine, golden rutilated quartz and yellow tigers eye Rubies bring celebration and joy, they are known to inspire enthusiasm and a passion for life! It sustains and supports you during times of crisis. Unlike diamond inclusions, some people find this adds to red jasper beauty. ps I also need tips on what Im supposed to do once I received the crystals in the mail, I have some violet incense sticks that the brand is HEM. If those are the crystals you resonated with when you chose them, then they can be helpful for you. When you do this, sometimes you can feel as if youre carrying bricks around and that is a bad crystal combination. Speak soon! The pair is a good boost for intimacy in a romantic relationship. For example if my foot hurts I use Black Onyx or Smokey Quartz with the Malachite. My partner has recently been diagnosed with an aggressive cancer, I guess it doesnt matter too much as I could just put it in a pouch for him but I know he wont wear that colour. Is it ok to wear the 2 bracelets together? The right combination can help amplify or strengthen the benefits, whereas the wrong one can cancel out the energies or even work negatively. Is there a way to ask the shops to find out or a website that has accurate results? For health, great ones to work with are Serpentine to boost the immune system and Bloodstone which is just in general really healing for the body on a physical level. Log in. (ANSWERED). Hi Stacy, Another good negativity tip is to clear your energy daily and protect it when you head out to do your daily work/chores/tasks. I have a question about my Sunstone. Palm and tumble stones for bedrooms (rose quartz, pink tourmaline, black tourmaline. If youre looking to combine crystals based on specific intentions such as energy, stress relief, protection, manifesting, grounding, and more; then visit this post: Crystal Combinations. Many believe that it helps with insight and helps people feel more grounded. They can also boost courage and promote positive energy when you feel drained. Hi I have just finished collecting my crystals. 3. Petalite and Prasiolite. This stone is great for its ability to increase physical strength and vitality. Spirit Quartz can also help her connect to the Source of all (whatever that means to her). Green Jasper, garnet, rhodochrosite, and hematite. 1.citrine, golden rutilated quartz, and yellow calcite This gemstone is also believed to encourage bravery and eloquence for fearful speakers. Bracelets: FLUORITE, SODALITE, YELLOW/HONEY CALCITE. Carnelian is a harder stone by hardness level, but this makes it a more stable stone that can be more porous. There is no rules that only 3 gems at a time. In addition if I put all 3 of the above stones near the front door or the south west corner of the home (in Feng Shui this is husbands area) , can they help to secure my husbands income? And which has more calming and focusing abilities? Could I send you a picture of what Im carrying? $24.99 . What about Celestite specifically? Heres an article to read I just came across this post. It is only a guideline. You have to make up your own mind about it with your own stones. Green stones for the root chakra like green aventurine. 3. I love the way you refer to your Sunstone!! In the evening, using Selenite, clear your energy by combing or sweeping around your body with the Selenite and visualise releasing energy which isnt yours. Dare I say that heat treated citrine would work well for this in my opinion. The gem is believed to stimulate the muscles and help with blood circulation in the physical body. They are excellent when you constantly feel inadequate, doubt, or underestimate your capacity to reach your goals. Do you have any suggestions about which gemstones I should use if there is a type of gemstone that could fulfil my wishes? Thank you. That is up to you. can I wear amazonite and clear quartz together? Kindly confirm, if i can wear these stones on my Left hand wrist as bracelets. Citrine, Peridot, Garnet, Carnelian, Sodalite, Amethyst, and Blue Lace Agate. Id recommend reading Quartz and Amethyst sound like good choices for spirituality and connecting with your intention. Great question. Like if I have labradorite on a bracelet with black tourmaline or onyx, will the black stones weigh down and decrease the labradorites vibes? 7. Instead of using one large piece, is this effective as well? Id recommend asking the shop you purchased your crystals from: Dancing Cranes Imports. I purchased a Amethyst bracelet, Green Jade bracelet and a Citrine pendant. Black tourmaline: for grounding and realising anger As my article outlines work with your crystals intentionally by looking at what you want to achieve with each crystal and if they are working toward one main intention with each of their flavors or are working on their own special project. Thanks so much I have learned so much from you and will like to follow ur guide lines, Hi there, am I able to put rose quartz and black tourmaline as rings ( this is for protection and love ). Im recently getting back into crystal work & am going through all of my stones. You can count on these stones for improved self-esteem and confidence. Are they working toward one main goal of your pouch and does each one add its own flavour to that goal? Moldavite and Red Jasper: Moldavite and Red Jasper are a lovely match because they bring you the essence of Sky and Earth. . Please let me.know if I can wear them altogether. Generally it only oxidises when exposed to air so perhaps get a polished piece to wear if youre worried. Which one do you prefer? I was never really crazy about the house to begin with and Ive never really put my personal stamp on it. Intention = crystals not cancelling each other out. Hi Tania, you could. So Hematite is a very strong grounder and what you felt may just have been you experiencing the energy. hiya, so Ive been having a lot of problems with stress and Im a baby witch. Yellow or orange stones for the third eye chakra like carnelian or citrine. Thank you. Garnet and Red Jasper are a great combination. In terms of whether theyll work together, look at your intentions and what you want to achieve with your stones. 3. Im getting a lady to make me a chakra bracelet, It promotes fertility, sexual compatibility, and a healthy perception of sex. Sounds like a good combination but look at WHY you want to wear both whats your intention and what do you want to achieve with them. Difficult to say what crystal would be good for someone who has sensitive feelings, Id recommend again to go with what youre drawn to. Being more familiar with your stones energy can help you form your intention and build combinations if you wanted to. 6 Roman Ancient. Hi Im very new to crystals and I was wondering can I have my quartz and my stocky quartz and Soldavite together. I had a feel for some blue ones before I did anything, but I hope it works, Sounds like a good combo. Can I wear Tiger eye with agate multicolor? Here are my recommendations for you: left or right wrist? 7. Black tourmaline: protection from negative energies/energy vampires The hematite to keep me grounded and dispel negativity. min-height: 325px; These stones are also believed to affect the libido and feelings of passion. Yes! If you start to feel drained or edgy, give them a clear and if that feeling then persists, try working with one at a time to see if perhaps one of them if just too much right now. My question is I am trying to be calm before my screenings for my job an would like to know which crystals/ bracelets should I wear an not wear. please let me know. I would recommend the following crystals for you: Red Jasper to boost energy, Carnelian for motivation and to pump you up, Golden Tiger Eye for focus and Rainbow Fluorite to help your brain retain the information. Carnelian,Red Jasper. The same applies to wearing MANY stones. Red jasper is a silicate that belongs to the chalcedony class of quartz minerals. The rose quartz, carnelian and red jasper are also true to color and hue of these types of stones. If youre just going to have them lying around, thats fine, then ensure youre clear that theyre just decorative. I am a beginner and I dont know where to start. Youve got this!! 1. Do the stones help me to secure my income through securing his career? And also carnelian stones gives good luck so I wonder if I wear carnelian in every fingers that is 10 carnelian stones one in each fingers then my luck will be 10 times multiplied?????? Carnelian is a bright orange, found mainly in India. For students, the pair results in increased balance and focus. Would this combination honestly be too many energies? Make the space happy and yours even in small ways so think of things you like: flowers, lamps, shells, decorative pieces, fabric, colors. Hello. I have a pyrite ornament at home. Right so youre interested in purchasing crystals tell me what crystal is it that has intrigued you and made you want to look into purchasing crystals? Does that mean I have to set intention to each stone in the bracelet separately, because they act little differently from each other? 1 Unakite NO ONE should go through anything alone. It may assist women in overcoming a jealous love rival or unfair opposition to a relationship. Ive searched everywhere online for some details but I find nothing about these two together? Is Red Jasper Rare? I just found this and Im very new to understanding stones. How can I wear Blue Lace Agate, without depleting my energy during the day? I feel like wearing a big stone as a finger ring. It measures 6.5 - 7 on the Mohs scale for hardness. Red Jasper is characterized by energy, stamina, courage, and grounding. It may work, it may not. Dont partake in gossip and that type of negativity. Question is there anything I should know about if I were to combine jade and shungite? The pair offers grounding and protective energies. Check in with yourself regularly to determine if youre carrying too many crystals and if there is a crystal that is not working with you right now. Read more here about how to use crystals for different intentions: Your intentions for the stones: what do you want to achieve with your crystals? Youre welcome I heard that Jade can also protect you from Negative energy/loss so Im after that as well. Hello. Busting Negativity: Golden Tiger Eye to keep you uplifted and grounded, Citrine can also be a feel good stone. I am sorry youre going through a rough patch. Thank you!:). 1. Also I manage all his bank accounts, so literally he gives his income to me and it is like my income. Hand for best results for example if my foot hurts I use black Onyx or Smokey quartz the... 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